
When you have a new piercing, it is very important to look after it to ensure that you
minimise any risk of infection and your piercing heals quickly and efficiently.

That’s why we have created this guide to help you through that process.

Everybody is different, so that means everybody will heal at different speeds, and not all
 aftercare procedures or products are going to work for everyone.
It’s not a one size fits all with piercings.

Firstly, you want to make sure that you are mostly leaving your piercing alone, and not fiddling with it
or moving the jewellery around unnecessarily. Always wash your hands before applying any aftercare.
The use of salt water is gentle and helps most people heal their piercings. We would always recommend
a good quality sea salt for this and not any kind of table salt. Generally a small teaspoon of salt dissolved
into a coffee mug of boiling water is about the correct ratio of salt to water. Too much salt will
dry out your skin and cause more irritation than anything.
Wait for the water to cool down so as to not burn your skin, then use it to bathe your piercing.
After which you will need to dry the skin around the piercing thoroughly with some clean tissue, prefereably
kitchen towel as it does not break up so easily when wet.

Alternatively you can buy a suitable aftercare solution, we recommend the Aftercare Company’s BPA
aftercare oil which consists of lavender and tea tree oil amongst some other natural ingredients that will encourage your
skin to heal. This is best applied twice a day, in the morning and at night.

When you shower, you may be wondering if you can get your piercing wet. Whilst you can do, we recommend that you
use an unscented, gentle soap/shampoo/shower gel to minimise any irritations. Make sure to always rinse the piercing before
you finish to clear any remaining soap away as you do not want this to dry into the piercing. Then dry the piercing with tissue,

keeping any towel you have used to dry your body away from the piercing to minimise any cross contamination.
With navel or nipple piercings it is recommended that you have showers rather than baths, as soaking your skin
in a bath for too long may have an adverse effect on your piercing. You also don’t want dirty bath water
entering your piercing. Do not go in a swimming pool, sauna or steam room until your piercing has fully healed.

 As your piercing is healing, you may notice a crusty substance build up around your piercing as it is healing.
This is normal and part of your skin’s healing process. Try to not let this build up too much, and gently clean it away with
a wet cotton bud, being careful to not rub the skin around the piercing too much. Do not pick this off with your fingers.

Your new piercing may also bleed, this is normal and is usually not very much. If it is bleeding and is difficult to stop,
get some clean kitchen towel and apply a gentle pressure to your skin where it is bleeding and this will make your blood clot

 and the bleeding should stop. If it does not, then keep applying pressure until it does.

Any piercing of the skin is a potential risk for entry of an infection, if you follow all the above steps you will be
minimising that risk. If in the unfortunate event of an infection, you should not ignore this and do seek further help.
Don’t remove the jewellery if you think you have an infection as you may seal the infection inside your skin.
If you are concerned that you may have an infection, we will be happy to assist you and give you some advice.
Swelling and redness is common with a new piercing and is not always a sign of infection.

Some people will notice a small bump on their piercing as it is healing, this mostly will go away by itself if left
alone. Sometimes this is a result of scar tissue building up so it is important to try not to catch, or knock
your piercing. Doing so will increase the potential for this to occur.

Be sure to look after your piercing. Any questions or concerns just get in touch and we will be happy to help.

Body Piercing Price List

Ear lobes  £15 each or both for £25

Tragus  £30

Helix  £30

Eyebrow  £30

Lip/Labret  £30

Nose  £30

Septum  £30

Madonna spot/Monroe  £30

Nipple  £30 or £55 for both

Navel  £30

Conch  £30

Snug  £30

Anti Tragus  £30

Anti Helix  £30

Rook  £30

Smiley  £30

Medusa  £30

Scaffold  £40

Snake Bites  £40

Spider Bites  £40

Only British Titanium is used in compliance with

EU nickel directive 94/24/EEC unless otherwise specified

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